Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol
Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol
Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol
Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol
Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol
Kulinarik im Hotel Macun in Vent in Tirol


A day without breakfast? Unimaginable in the “Macun”! You will see: a stay in the mountains with its fragrant air makes hungry. Therefore, you will be offered healthy local products like eggs, bacon, farmer’s butter, milk and yogurt. Certainly you won’t miss coffee, tea, orange juice, jam or cake at the breakfast table neither.
Many products are homemade, like our bread, our breakfast pastry called „Zopf“ or our “Bircher-Muesli”.
Following our sustainability-principle, we provide a relatively simple buffet, but with selected and high-quality ingredients.

You are pleased to inform us in advance or on your arrival about potential food intolerances or vegan lifestyle.

Coffee and cake

For those who are slightly hungry, a piece of cake or another little appetizer will be just right ... Make yourself comfortable and enjoy your drink in our lounge or on the windless sun terrace – what could a heart desire more?!


1.907 meters beyond routine

We emphasize eating and drinking in the Macun. Host Pirmin, a skilled head chef and junior sommelier disposes of professional experiences of many years, hence what is more obvious than to communicate this passion to our guests? In our restaurant “Das Siebzehn” you will have the choice between three different menus in the evening (one of those is a vegetarian menu). You are pleased to give us advanced notice about food intolerances or vegan lifestyle.

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